Session 1 Program
Friday, July 15, 8 AM - 12 PM CST
Friday, July 15, 1 PM - 5 PM CST
Organizers: David Bunde, Apan Qasem
Zoom: [ viewable to participants only ]
8:00-8:10. Welcome [David]
8:10-8:30. Introductions [David]
- Organizer introductions
- Participant introductions
- background
- reason for attending the workshop
8:30-9:30. ToUCH Overview [Apan]
- Why Heterogeneous Computing? [Apan]
- Overview of ToUCH modules Apan's slides David's slides
- [A1] Heterogeneous Computing: Elementary Notions [Apan]
- [A2] Task Mapping on Soft Heterogeneous Systems [Apan]
- [B1] Hybrid Algorithms [Apan]
- [A3] Pollack's Rule as a Justification for Heterogeneous Computing [David]
- [C1] Introduction to ARM [David]
- [D1] Introduction to CUDA Programming [David]
- [C2] GPU Memory Hierarchy [David]
- [D2] Heterogeneous Programming with OpenMP [Apan]
- Mapping modules to CS curriculum
9:30-9:40. Break
9:40-10:20. Non-ToUCH Resources 30 mins [Apan]
- Intel DevCloud for oneAPI [Henry Gabb, Intel]
- NVIDIA DLI: Accelerated Computing [Joe Bungo, NVIDIA]
- CSinParallel [Suzanne Matthews, US Military Academy, West Point]
- CDER [David Bunde, Knox College]
10:20-11:10. Worktime Explore Modules [David]
- Plan (5 min)
- Plan for this week
- Module implementation and de-brief sessions in Dec and May
- Collaboration with ToUCH PIs and/or other participants
- Explore ToUCH Modules
- Select modules you are interested in
- Browse available resources
- Walk through demos/exercises/examples
- Look at assessment
11:10-11:40. Participant Presentations (3 mins each) [Apan]
- What HC is covered in your curriculum?
- What modules can be integrated and in which courses?
- Which modules do you want to work on?
- What is the timeline for adoptions?
- What are the barriers and challenges to adoption?
11:40-11:55. Discussion [Apan]
- What modules should be added to the ToUCH repo?
- What modules should be revised to make them more accessible?
- Are there opportunities for collaboration with other participants?
- Will collaboration with organizers be needed?
4:55-5:00. Conclusion [David]
- Scheduling of one-on-one sessions
- Next week's session